
Hermes the sheep

I had the feeling that I would need to change Truffles’s name, but I waited to hear from him that he wanted it changed. Last week, I got the message that yes, he wants a new name—something more dignified, something that celebrates who he is in the world.

His new name arrived over the weekend: Hermes. Messenger of the gods, his Roman name is Mercury. I knew that Hermes travels on winged feet, but I didn’t know until I looked up Hermes after receiving the name that he carries the caduceus, the symbol of healing–two snakes entwined around the tree of life staff.

Welcome, Hermes! Thank you for bringing messages and healing.

About Stephanie Marohn

Stephanie Marohn runs the Animal Messenger Sanctuary, a safe haven for farm animals in northern California. She also has a practice in energy healing for animals and is the author of 10 books, including What the Animals Taught Me: Stories of Love and Healing from a Farm Animal Sanctuary.
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