Andrew Harvey review of What the Animals Taught Me

Many, many thanks to Andrew Harvey for his wonderful review of my latest book, What the Animals Taught Me. Click here for his review. Check out his beautiful website too. Andrew is one of the heroes of our time, utterly dedicated to spreading the spirit of Sacred Activism on behalf of our suffering planet.

Please excuse my blogging absence of late. Hmm, what’s my excuse? I’ll go with focusing on a workshop I hosted here at the sanctuary on Friday. It was part of the inspiring Ecotherapy program in the Consciousness and Transformative Studies department at JFK University. The day was devoted to Healing the Human-Nonhuman Relationship. I told the animals what was happening on this day and invited anyone who wanted to be part of it to show up. Pegasus and the three donkeys were nowhere to be seen for the first half of the day, including my three-hour presentation, which, of course, featured photos of them. Just as I came to the end, with their usual amazing timing, the donkeys arrived, braying their readiness to meet everyone. Pegasus was with them too, although she showed no interest in the eleven special people who had convened for this day. They need not take it personally. Pegasus is keeping her own counsel these days. We will see if she returns to her old ways once we arrive at our permanent home (many prayers for that dream farm) and we can call in a horse companion for her. I’m sure the right one will arrive, but we can’t begin calling him until we have a better setup for the animals.

Regarding the manifestation of that new home, I got a message, loud and clear, over the weekend: Be patient.

Sparrow the Wise Tabby Cat
Sparrow the wise waiting patiently in the wisteria



About Stephanie Marohn

Stephanie Marohn runs the Animal Messenger Sanctuary, a safe haven for farm animals in northern California. She also has a practice in energy healing for animals and is the author of 10 books, including What the Animals Taught Me: Stories of Love and Healing from a Farm Animal Sanctuary.
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