Life at Lamb Speed

It’s hard to work with the call of the lambs, two little ones growing up at warp speed, beckoning me outside to watch them at rest and play.

two lambs with their mother

Fleur and her twins

The twins are no longer curling up for a nap in the food bowls, not because they no longer fit, but because they have moved beyond that. They are out in the wider world, and have already learned to run around the open gate to reach their mother instead of wondering what to do when they find themselves behind it. All this at only 11 days old!

Aurora Charlotte the lamb

Aurora Charlotte, 11 days old

This morning when I let the sheep out of the safe area where they spend the night, Beau and the two lambs did that special sheep dance together—pronging down the drive and bouncing around each other with those special sheep sideways twists in the air. It looked like sheer fun to me!

Snowflake the lamb

Snowflake, 11 days old

Later, I went out to check on them and found everyone taking a rest in the lush green grass. Calm sanctuary moment. I am so happy that I can arrive and move among them without creating a single ripple. They gaze placidly at me and continue their calm rest. I am an honorary member of the flock. I am ever aware of what an honor this is, and I give thanks every day. I will know that I have moved from honorary to full membership when they do their pronging, airborne dance with me!

About Stephanie Marohn

Stephanie Marohn runs the Animal Messenger Sanctuary, a safe haven for farm animals in northern California. She also has a practice in energy healing for animals and is the author of 10 books, including What the Animals Taught Me: Stories of Love and Healing from a Farm Animal Sanctuary.
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