The Importance of Brambles

I looked out the living room window this morning to see the flock of California quail that live here. I was delighted to see 11 young ones, grown big enough that it is likely they will survive. In previous years, at other places, I’ve watched a flock dwindle from 13 babies down to 3. I credit the high survival rate here to the dense blackberry brambles that provide a protected home. They can run easily beneath the brambles, but no predators can follow them. Wildlife organizations ask that people leave brambles on their property to provide refuge for birds and other wildlife. So don’t clear every bit of brush from your property. Permission to be wild…

This reminds me of what I learned when I was writing an article on how to keep creeks healthy for the fish that spawn in them. It’s important not to clear away all the trees that fall across the creek or brush on the banks. The fish need shaded pools and the brush prevents erosion. More permission…

About Stephanie Marohn

Stephanie Marohn runs the Animal Messenger Sanctuary, a safe haven for farm animals in northern California. She also has a practice in energy healing for animals and is the author of 10 books, including What the Animals Taught Me: Stories of Love and Healing from a Farm Animal Sanctuary.
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